Newmarket Open Exhibition

National Horse Racing Museum Exhibition

Brilliant Opening Night at the National Horse Racing Museum in Newmarket. It was an honour to have my painting Black Phoenix selected for their inaugural Open Exhibition. The show runs until 24 April and entry is FREE – with a wristband from the museum shop.

Giant Crow – total cost £1 – honestly

With the chance to exhibit in the cavernous  Undercroft Gallery in Norwich I couldn’t resist making something really really big. Canvas, paint, supports, brushes – that budget turned out to be ginormous. Back to the drawing board. Canvas = coffee bean bags – FREE from Hot Numbers Cafe, Cambridge Paint = FREE – unused paint,

Magical Crow Sunbeam

Magic Crow I find that as I paint I get closer and closer to my subject. Whether it’s a crow in flight, the inclination of a woman’s head or the stateliness of a stag, after hours and days of close observation my subject starts to breath and comes alive.  This creative dialogue is mystical and

Fuel for the Imagination

Never in my life have I been so grateful for books. They fed my imagination when access to my staple inspirational nourishment – museums, people, galleries, life-drawing – was locked-down. Embraced within their pages I’ve travelled the world enjoying fictious and vicarious adventures on the way.   This painting THE MIRACLE OF IMAGINATION arose from

The Joy of a Home Studio

The Joy of Having a Home Studio  During England’s Lockdown from the end of March 2020 to writing this blog on 26 July I have felt blessed in my life in many ways. It has also been a time where I have known extreme gratitude for my Home Studio. Being able to work every day,