Magical Crow Sunbeam

Magic Crow I find that as I paint I get closer and closer to my subject. Whether it’s a crow in flight, the inclination of a woman’s head or the stateliness of a stag, after hours and days of close observation my subject starts to breath and comes alive.  This creative dialogue is mystical and

Fuel for the Imagination

Never in my life have I been so grateful for books. They fed my imagination when access to my staple inspirational nourishment – museums, people, galleries, life-drawing – was locked-down. Embraced within their pages I’ve travelled the world enjoying fictious and vicarious adventures on the way.   This painting THE MIRACLE OF IMAGINATION arose from

The Joy of a Home Studio

The Joy of Having a Home Studio  During England’s Lockdown from the end of March 2020 to writing this blog on 26 July I have felt blessed in my life in many ways. It has also been a time where I have known extreme gratitude for my Home Studio. Being able to work every day,